26 April 2008

What's in my flybox?

I have a good collection of flies. Some new, many old and some antique. Salmon and trout flies, some pretty and some fugly.

What do we fish with this year? Last year I fished mainly in the summer and had good results with stoneflies and daddy long-legs. This year, I'm approaching the concept more carefully and looking at the hatch a little more carefully.

I have made up one box with a good selection of flies that should appeal to the pallet of the most discerning trout or greyling in my local river.

We have a Dun/adams pattern (bottom right) for the Spring Mayflies. The effective Stonefly nymph patterns in black and brown. A few yellow Dun/Yellow Sally patterns to see if the fish are interested in a little variety. The Daddy Long-legs that excite the fish with their knotted cockerel plume legs. Some March Brown patterns as they work so well. A collection of sedges on quite small hooks to attract the little tricky fish if there are no big ones around - these are stored on the threader needles of the Orvis box. I've included a red spinner and a couple of Jassid patterns just for pot luck.

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