08 January 2012

Brown Trout in Corsica

I was going through some old photos and I came across these shots that we took on a trip to Corsica in 2010.

We spent a day there bathing and sunning ourselves at this little river above the town of Ota on the North West side of the island.

There are many mountain streams in Corsica that flow in torrents when it rains, carving these deep ravines over millennia, and then in the Summer, the streams calm down to a reduced flow forming beautiful pools amongst the rocks.

These little 25cm brown trout, isolated, but content with the abundant water bugs and flies you get in the area are some of the few species of fish you find in these streams.

We didn't catch the fish as we had no tackle or permits, so we just photographed and filmed them with a Sony video camera in an underwater housing.

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