20 May 2007

No trout on a muggy Sunday morning...

Unproductive morning down at the lake today. Nothing caught by Tom or myself. Tom is getting good at casting and with his little rod he easily gets the float out to the water lilies where the trout are lurking.

The weather was moderate with a roughly steady pressure of 1013.9 hPa. It started raining lightly at about 10am and we pushed off at 11am. We saw only one trout being caught early at 7.30am, but nothing after that.

We were using white Powerbait trout paste and 'ver de farine' (larval form of the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor).

Here are a few photos of the trout lake taken this morning at 7.15am.

This Common Blue Damselfly was photographed yesterday when I was scouting the river for large trout. I'll upload some photos of the river at a later date.

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