07 May 2007

Pike (Brochet)


Pike, Esox lucius, can grow very large, up to a weight of 18kg (40lb) or more; they have firm, white flesh and lots of small bones. Large pike are usually sold cut into steaks, small ones as whole fish. The best recipes come from France, where pike is appreciated for its flavour and texture. The flesh can be dry, though, and benefits from being steamed, poached or shallow fried. Steaks should be marinated before being fried or grilled and a small pike, baked whole, is best coated in olive oil or butter inside and out, or filled with a stuffing made from moist ingredients, such as breadcrumbs, bacon, tomatoes, leafy herbs and onion.

Here are some recipe ideas for pike:
Walleyed pike pie by Graham Kerr from The Galloping Gourmet.
A collection of French recipes for Brochet from PêcheAquariophilie.

More info:
Wikipedia (English): Northern pike
Wikipedia (French): Grand brochet

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